This 51-acre nature preserve is nestled beside I-65 adjacent to Shades Creek. Wildflowers as well as the marbled and spotted salamander can be seen throughout the preserve. The area is unique due its species diversity and lack of invasive species. An in and out hiking trail is in the preserve and offers a great tour of this heavily wood metropolitan park.
The trail begins at the gravel parking lot located at the end Forest Circle in Homewood. From the lot the trail begins flat for 400 feet before turning and beginning a descent into the valley. The next 2/10th of a mile are a steady decline. Once reaching the valley floor the trail levels out, crossing two bridges and winding its way through the thick forest. Just past the second bridge the trail splits into a loop. Taking the left path will take you near the river, which is visible in winter months, before turning back uphill at a log barricade. The trail continues until it rejoins the original path. The trek out follows the same path as entering. The hike out is moderately difficult.
The hike is moderately challenging but a good one for those interested in enjoying a wooded area close to the metropolitan area.