The Fossil Trail at Rickwood Caverns offers a relaxing hike through a very rock and forested section of the park. The trial begins just behind the old mini golf park across the main office. A trail sign adores the entrance. As you begin the hike, you turn left and make your way slowly up the hillside. Waving between rocks and crevasses, the trail is marked frequently with yellow arrows painted on the rocks and trees. Many geographic features exists along the trail along with the occasional fossil in the surface of the prominent limestone rocks.
As you reach the peak of your hike, small rock fields can be seen. This is a great place to sit down and take a short break . As you proceed forward, you will turn downhill in a slight wash area and then back right towards the trail head. As you approach the end of the hike, enjoy the stacked sandstone rock formation. It makes a great place to posse for a picture.